We speak to schools every day that love the White Rose Maths curriculum and termly assessments, but are looking for standardisation to contextualise those assessments. That’s where Smartgrade can help.
Smartgrade is a cost-effective standardisation platform which provides standardised scores for White Rose termly assessments. Teachers enter their results using our super-simple teacher markbooks and we provide instant question and topic analysis allowing you to spot gaps in learning so you can intervene. We use our national dataset to benchmark your school’s performance against other schools, giving you a deeper understanding of how well your students are performing.
Does this sound too good to be true? Well, it could be a reality for your school.
Have a closer look at the benefits of using Smartgrade with White Rose Maths assessments.
1. Curriculum-linked assessments
White Rose Maths’ assessments are carefully linked to their curriculum. Each termly assessment contains content from the preceding terms of that academic year — e.g. the summer assessment includes questions on topics taught in autumn and spring. By entering students’ marks into Smartgrade, you get detailed feedback on the performance of your student, class, school and MAT through our powerful online assessment platform.
2. Real-time standardised grades
You can access live results that have been standardised across almost 300 schools and 11,000 students (and the sample is growing all the time!). Unlike other standardised tests, all our standardisations use the latest data so you know how well your students have performed compared with their peers at the same point in time.
3. Benchmarked topic and question level analysis
See your performance compared to granular national benchmarks at question and topic level, helping you to spot gaps and plan interventions based on your real gaps in learning. We can also tell you the topic in the curriculum a particular question is from, so if your class is struggling with place value, it’s quick and simple to go back to WRM to find resources to address this.
4. Competitively priced
We strongly believe that all schools should have access to standardised assessments, that’s why we offer our products at a fraction of the cost of traditional approaches.
5. Super-simple setup
Student and teacher names are set up by default with our MIS integration, through Wonde, so all of your important data is kept in sync.
6. Best-in-class data entry
Our markbooks facilitate data entry at question or whole mark level, and markbooks are designed to make data entry a doddle, giving you more time to focus on teaching and learning.
7. Move data around quickly and easily
Admins can download data for multiple assessments in seconds. Our API also allows for integration with other systems, such as your data warehouse. So not only do you have to input the data once, but you can move data around your current systems with ease. We also have a special export tool for Insight users.
8. SATs-style performance indicators
Analyse outcomes using our pre-calculated SATs-style scale (WTS, EXS, HS) so you know at a glance whether your students are “on-track”. It is also useful for reporting to parents as they are easy to understand.
9. MAT administration and analysis built-in
MATs can set up assessments for the whole trust in just a few clicks, and then view aggregated analysis at a question, topic and overall grade level.
With these benefits, you can see why we have almost 300 schools using our easy-to-use platform. Whether you’re a current White Rose Maths curriculum and assessment user, or you purchase other maths assessments and are looking for other options, why not have a chat with our friendly team about how we can revolutionise your maths assessments to gather real, data-driven insights?
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